Saturday, September 13, 2014

The NFL and Domestic Violence

This video will be the subject of tomorrow's VOA news at 7:30 am.

The nfl & Domestic Violence

The case against ray rice

In February, when this video was released showing Ray Rice dragging an unconscious Janay Palmer out of an elevator, the NFL suspended him for 2 games for domestic violence.  But many criticized the punishment as being too light.  In May, Rice entered counselling and in late July he spoke to the Media.
“I’ve made the biggest mistake of my life.  Me.  She can do no wrong.  She’s an angel.”
But this video, from inside the elevator, released by the website TMZ shows the attack in detail.  After seeing this video, the Baltimore Ravens cancelled Rice’s 35 million dollar contract.  Shortly afterward, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell suspended him indefinitely.  Public outcry was swift.  The White House strongly condemned violence against women.  Press Secretary Josh Earnest said as the father of two daughters, the president believes domestic violence is contemptible and unacceptable in a civilized society.
“You have seen the President and the Vice President make very forceful public comments talking about how important it is for men in particular to step up and step forward and make clear that violence against women is something that is not and cannot be tolerated.”
Renee Renyk, spokeswoman for the National Network to End Domestic Violence, welcomes the feedback and told VOA by Skype, she hopes the incident will draw more attention to this serious problem.
“1 in 4 American women will experience domestic violence sometime in their life.  I hope the NFL will make good on their commitment to take this seriously.”
One day after the sanctions against her husband, Palmer used her Instagram account to fire back after the video went public.  She called Ray Rice the man she loves and described the pain that the media and unwanted public opinions from around the country has caused her family.
“We don’t know what’s happening for her, um, but often victims are made to feel it’s their fault.”
Renyk says the repercussions from this ugly incident send a clear and strong message that domestic violence is unacceptable. 

For writer Faiza Elmasry, I’m Faith Lappadas, VOA News

Also, VOA has an 'English learning' article on this topic - here

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