Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Being Polite in English

What are the 6 principles of speaking politely in English?

We express politeness in spoken English in a variety of ways. By following the six principles listed below, you should be able to communicate politely in any formal situation.
  1. The Uncertainty Principle – This principle states that you should show some uncertainty when giving your opinion.
  2. The Indirect Question Principle – This principle states that you using indirect questions and question tags will make you sound more polite.
  3. The Respect Intelligence Principle – This principle states that you should credit the other person with intelligence and knowledge.
  4. The Sensitive Correction Principle – This principle states that you should correct errors and mistakes in a sensitive way so that the other person does not lose face.
  5. The Reluctant Disagreement Principle – This principle states that you should show the other person that you are not happy or comfortable when you disagree with them.
  6. The Avoid Direct Commands Principle – This principle states that you should try to avoid direct commands and orders because they make it sound like you are imposing on them.
For more go HERE!

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